The amazing benefits of garlic

The great benefits of garlic, according to the sayings of ancient doctors

an introduction:

Garlic is a type of herbaceous plant biennial, and it is of the genus of garlic from the garlic family, and its cultivation is spread all over the world.

The great benefits of garlic, according to the sayings of ancient doctors

The sayings of ancient medicine emperors on garlic:



It is a gardener and is found in Egypt and its heads are not divided into the parts that are called white teeth, and from it is wild, and it is called oyosqardin, meaning snake garlic, and the gender of garlic with teeth is called Oglis. Galen:

 Garlic is heated and dried in degree. As for the plant called snake garlic, it is wild garlic and it is stronger than the gardener, as is the case with all wild plants.


 And the power of garlic is hot, heated, exiting the blowing from the abdomen, burning the abdomen, drying up the stomach, causing thirst, burning the skin, and if he eats, he brings out the worm that is called the love of pumpkin, and urinates and if he takes it from a snake or the snake that is said to be Amroes and then drinks after it the drink is permanent drink or crushed with drink and drink not It is considered a benefit for him and he may also bandage with it so he does that, and if he eats any benefit from a dog bite and the dog eats it in agreement with the one who has changed the water, and if he eats raw, grilled or cooked, clear the throat and dwell on a chronic cough, and if he drank with a mountain fudge, he killed the lice and nits, and if he was burned And kneading with honey, I will heal the occasional blood under the eye that changes the color from it, and if he does that also and add to it by mixing with milk fat and stained with alopecia areata, and if mixed with salt and oil, he will cure the pustule, and if mixed with honey and borax, he will cure the milky pimples and calluses and the sores of wet and thin head and vitiligo and ulcerated scabies And if it is cooked with pine and kinder wood and held its stew in the mouth, the toothache will be alleviated, and if it is mixed with fig and cumin leaves and made from it a bandage is beneficial for the bite of the animal called Mughali and its paper stew with the leg. If the women sit in it, turn the menstrual and expel the placenta. Betrayed by it and the mixture applied from it and from the black olives, which is said to him, when he eats the urine and opens the mouths of the veins, and it is beneficial to the loving.


It is beneficial from molar erosion by cutting thick mixtures without blowing useful from colic if it is from strong winds and confining nature.


In the trick of innocence, garlic dissolves the wind more than everything that dissolves it and does not thirst, and some people imagine that it thirsts because of their lack of knowledge of it and it is beneficial to people in cold countries so that if they prevent it from it, it is great for them and it is good for intestinal pain if it is not with a fever, and he said in an unknown book that Very good for lung ulcers.


That garlic in the winter is a reason for great benefits, as it heats cold mixes and cuts off the sticky thickets that prevail in the winter on the body. And Bagrat said in the book of barley water: It is a trigger for wind in the abdomen, hotness in the chest, pomace in the head and eyes, and it irritates the one who eats every disease before that and the best of it is that it produces urine. Other: Because it is very drying, it weakens the eyesight.

 Al-Razi said in Al-Hawi:

 Haneen narrated on the authority of Bagrat in food that garlic releases the abdomen and generates urine. It is good for the abdomen. It is bad for the eye because it dries up and thus weakens the eyesight. He told Dioscorides that garlic dries up the semen.

 Indian Sindhashar:

Good for winds, forgetfulness, asthma, coughing, spleen, loins, worms, and a lot of semen, and it is good for those who have less semen from frequent intercourse, and it is bad for hemorrhoids, tenesmus, abdominal release, pigs, pigs, knuckles, and lactating women. Until it dissolves and the water is poured out and then taken, it also benefits from old commodities, diets, lung sores and stomach ache.

 Qustus said in al-Fellah:

 Eat good for joint pain and gout.

 Rufus said:

It cuts off the thick, sticky mixtures and harms the eyesight because it violates the eyes' eyes and dampness, and disturb the eyesight. And he said again: Garlic is bad for the ears, head, lung and kidneys, although in some places it hurts agitation. Hanin said: The reason for this is all its pervertedness.

Rufus said elsewhere:

 It generates wind and talking better in diuresis, softening the abdomen and excreting worms.

 Ibn Masawiyah said:

Its characteristic is to cut off the occasional thirst of sticky or salty phlegm generated in the stomach in order to analyze it and dry it for it. It is heated for the cold and moist stomach, and if it is grilled with fire and put on the edible tooth and rubbed the sore teeth with it from moisture and wind, remove the pain in it, sucking the soft staple paper, which is the scald, and rinsing after it with the sweet wine cut Its scent acts as an antidote in the sting of cold vermin and cold aches and fixes it for the liberated by boiling it with water and a little salt, then it comes out and then is tanned with almond fat, and it is eaten and drunk with its effect the pomegranate water.

 Al-Razi in the book Al-Mansouri:

Garlic is bad in hot countries and flesh and times, it is good in its opposite. And he said in the book, Paying Food Harms: Garlic heats the body strongly, but it is not long-lasting and does not heat up, rather its heating was similar to the instinctive, so this is the best flavor in it and the wind dissolves and spreads it more than every food so that it prevents the generation of windy colic if it is eaten, and it benefits from the pain of the back and hip The old one does not rise to the head with much steam like the rise of an onion, and it does not harm the eye, like the rise of an onion, and it does not harm the eyes, reddens the color and thins the blood.


All garlic has been done in the ba, because it is severely drying and analyzing it may harm. If it is cooked with water until its intensity has dissolved, it is not far removed from it that what remains of it will be in its boiled low heat does not dry and generate a substance for semen and to make the phlegmatic substances in phlegmatic moods winds and is not able to spread them, and if they dissolve There are winds in the veins, and it is not too far away to help the lust of the bah.

 Sufian Al Andalusi:

If garlic is studied and its sharpness is broken with a fat, and the flabby and swollen cysts are covered by it, its good mood and its tumor are analyzed, whether it is recent or old, and if it is fried in the fat and repeated over it benefit from the blood stagnation in the limbs and the discord generated by the cold, and if this fat is drunk, a benefit from stomach pain and colic Phlegmatic and abrasive generated.

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