Mixtures in the human body



Mixtures in the human body


On knowledge of the food disposed of in man:

 Know that food has the consistency of the body and the steadfastness of the soul in the body, and of it the goodness of the body and of it its corruption, and this chapter is important and useful. The body is still healthy if it increases some of the mixtures and prevails in abundance against it, the disease obtained from an increase in that nature, and we will mention it separately, God willing

Mixtures in the human body

 Increase mixing of yellowness:

If a person consumes more hot, dry bile foods such as honey and garlic and the like, nature evaporates from the cavity to the brain with a bile vapor that is not moderate, and he results in a headache, a migraine, lack of sleep, and the intensity of the pulse of the veins and heat in the touch, then the person's justice is by eating the cold and wet and avoiding the hot hard, moderates quickly. It multiplied and increased, and that led to great diseases such as solid tumors and foolish fever, which are the ones that alternate one day and are absent for a day.

Increased mixing of blood:

If a person consumes more bloody, spicy and moist foods such as fatty stews, sweets and the like, the nature of the body is attacked due to the abundance of blood, and it is evaporated with a hot, moist steam to the brain, then headaches, boiling of heat, and the appearance of the body and the period of the senses. People, and more than that, have fallen into dangerous diseases such as boiling blood, red eyes, conjunctivitis, radiculitis, boils and soft tumors, so they need phlebotomy and cupping.

Excess phlegm:

If a person increases phlegmatic foods such as milk and fruits and every cold, moist, nature evaporates in the body to the brain with moist steam, and it falls for a period in the body, looseness in the joints and heaviness in the senses, then cutting that with its equivalent, such as honey, ginger, pepper, and every hot, dry, gentle, moderation occurs, and if indulgence occurs, this mixture has increased To chronic, hard-to-treat diseases such as leprosy, plague, stroke and fever, which is applied for seven days without heat, then irritation with great heat from the stomach to the brain and to the whole body, and then salvation or perdition occurs.

Increase mixing black:

If a person consumes more dark foods such as lentils, millet, beef, eggplant and the like on him, black attacks appear on him, and the melancholy disease appears with a period in the body, severity of thirst, and lack of sleep, then he should adjust by drinking honey syrup, which is to remove his foam and to put in every pound of it a ginger dirham and a mint pepper dirham and a mastic dirham Cow's milk is drunk with sugar from under the udder and he eats all hot, moist, light, then he is saved. If he indulges in harm, that harms chronic, harmful diseases such as leprosy, scabies, itching, plague, stroke, tuberculosis, tuberculosis, and a quarter fever.

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