The benefits of Sidr and
Buckthorn in the treatment of diseases, according to the opinion of ancient
an introduction:
It is a type of plant from the genus Alvizvus (levisif, vesicula,
zigzag, stallion, jujube, jojoba, org, or squid). It often grows in desert or
arid climates, the habitat of the Sidr tree is the Arabian Peninsula and the
Levant, and in general its cultivation is spread in tropical and subtropical
Doctors sayings
Abdullah bin Al-Bitar of Morocco:
Sidr: two colors. Some of it is
dusty, and it is the one who has no thorns except that which does not harm, and
some of it is lost, and it has thorns, and the Sidr has a wide, rounded leaf,
and it was said that the stray is what grows on the ground, and the dust is
what grows on the rivers, and its fruit is a spring, and the buckthorn is cold
in the middle of the first degree, and dried It has the least dryness of
hawthorn, it is good for the stomach, rational for nature, especially if it is
dry and eat it before food, because it craves food. These cold, excessively dry
things, if they encounter moisture in the stomach and intestines, squeeze them,
then release the abdomen, such as the verb of the whirling (or the ellipse is a
plant genus that follows the cambric species of the order of Asias.), Which is
done with cold and tannins, and the pulp is a crusty difference with a holding
power, traps the abdomen, and the wet The crunch is like that, the fresh
ripening is less clumpy, and it descends quickly from the stomach. As for the
sweet buckthorn, it facilitates the yellow bile collected in the stomach and
intestines, and also suppresses the heat, and the drink of it: between a third
of a pound to half a pound with sugar.
Ibn Jazlah:
Sidr: Its green, broadest
quality, and it is cold and dry, its smoke is very arresting, and its glue
removes the heat, and reddens the hair.
Habees bin Ibrahim Al-Tiflisi:
It is the leaves of the buckthorn tree. A wild and gardener, its soft
and gardener quality, which is mild in which it is astringent, purifies the
intestine and the skin, strengthens it, rationalizes printing, and it is hair
dryer, prevents its spread, ripens tumors, and includes analysis. A drink from
it: a dirham.
Abu Hanifa:
Sidr is two colors, some of it is dusty and some of it is stray, and as
for the stray, it has no thorns except that which flies, as for the stray, it
is with thorns, and the Sidr has a wide leaf rounded in its dust, its shadow
and the fork of the wayward, and the Sidra may be a place not for Doha and the
wide wide Doha and the Sidr with a twine and a spring
What grows from magic in the land
is the lost, and what grows on the rivers is the dust. The Sidr wood is light
and does not have glue.
Ibn Masawiya:
(Abu Zakaria Yahya bin Masawiyah al-Khuzi is a doctor, scientist and
Christian translator, his father is a Syriac and he was a pharmacist in
Jundishapur, then he worked as a doctor in Baghdad, and his mother was a
Saqqabiyya, thanks to him the development of many sciences in the Islamic world
in the first Abbasid era)
Buckthorn is cold and dry in the
middle of the first degree and has less dryness than hawthorn, and it is
beneficial to the stomach and rational in nature, especially if it is dry and
eat it before food is good.
Ishaq bin
Because it craves food and is
like hawthorn in the cold, and it overfalls.
Buckthorn has a difference in its
moist, dry, sweet, sour, juicy, and ripeness, and it has a holding power in it
that traps the belly, and the juicy wetness is also like that.
Leaking it tanns the stomach, and
the food generated from it is easy, and the mixture generated from it is thick
and is useful for severe diarrhea.
Buckthorn has slow digestion and
chyme is not bad.
Ibn Saraynon:
(Ibn Sirin is Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Sirin al-Basri. Al-Tabi'i al-Kabir
and al-Imam al-Qadir in exegesis, hadith, jurisprudence, and the expression of
vision, presented in asceticism, piety, and filial piety.
Sweet buckthorn water facilitates
the yellow time gathered in the stomach and intestines and also suppresses the
heat and the drink of it between a third of a pound to half a pound with sugar.