amazing benefits of Harmal, according to the greats of ancient medicine
Its height is
60 cm, with lobed leaves, a distinctive aroma, and its large white flowers. It
gives white top fruits, with small black seeds. The plant grows wild in most countries of the Arab world,
especially in rocky areas in environments with relatively abundant rain, and it
also grows in many countries of the Mediterranean.
Harmal seeds
contain three alkaloids: harmalin, harmalon and harmalon.
Ibn Umar Al-Antaki
It is a plant
that raises a third of an arm and branches a lot. It has a white blossom that
consists of round envelopes inside them, like mustard, which is a fast-rubbing,
heavy-smelling, with the perception of early June, and its strength remains for
four years, and its benefits go cold and its diseases such as headache,
headache, strength, numbness, tetanus, sciatica, insanity, etc. And
forgetfulness, improves colors, removes clumsiness and irritation with drink
and paint, and if it was washed with fresh water and then crushed and beaten
with hot water, sage, honey, and drunk, purified the stomach, head, chest and
upper body, phlegm, and vomiting wives with a purification that no one else
would equate in it, and if it was cooked with juice or drink and drunk for
thirty days, exposing old headaches and headaches And if he drank for twelve
consecutive days, he cut off the sciatica, and if he was stirred by his juice
or what was cooked in it, he purified the red eye and cut the haemorrhages, and
if he was in the water of radish, oil and drip, he removed the deafness.
It is of two
types, red and white, and there is a disagreement about it and it is said that
it is a wild fluff and it was said that mustard is its nature hot and dry, its
benefits are good for sciatica and joint pain if it is coated with it as a
menstrual and urine with the strength of drink and a useful coating
Also from
colic, and from poor eyesight if crushed with honey, bitterness of qabaj,
chicken and raziang water, and it is covered with it.
It is white and red, so the white is the Arabic haramal, and it is
called in Greek Mawla, and the red is the well-known colloquial hermal, and in
Persian it is called a sphere.
Abu Hanifa:
Harmal is of two types, a kind of paper like the paper of the
dispute and has a light like the light of jasmine, whether it is white, fine,
with sesame and swat, and it is a dairy product, and it does not smell like the
smell of olives. Are the vessels in which her love is.
of Damascus:
And if he is crushed with honey, syrup, chicken bitterness, saffron
and green Raziang water, poor eyesight is compatible, and among the people who
called him Haramal and the Syriacs call him Basas and the people of Qiyadia are
those who call him Mawla because it has a slight resemblance to the plant that
is called Mawla if its origin is black and its flower is white and grows in
hills and in good soil. .
The love of squash comes out and benefits from colic, sciatica, and
hip pain if its water breaks down and the viscous phlegm scales in the chest
and lung and dissolves the occasional wind in the intestine. Issa bin Massa: As
for we in Bimaristan Mero, we have been using it since the release of
blackheads and sputum varieties with diarrhea, and it is one of the goals of
the disease that afflicts the two branches.
bin Razeen:
It is beneficial for colds of the brain and body.
Harmal repels and cracks and generates menstruation and urine.
The caramel vomits and gets drunk like what intoxicates wine or
close to it, and fix it to vomit with it is like this. Fifteen dirhams are
taken from the grain, then it is washed with fresh water repeatedly, then dried
and hammered into a mortar, sifted with a tinny sieve and poured four ounces of
boiling water over it, whipped into a mortar Oud and filter it with a thin rag
and throw its weight, then pour three ounces of honey water on it and two
ounces of vinegar fat and use it to vomit severely.
Ishaq bin Omran:
If it is taken from it and put in a pot with thirty pounds of drink
and cooked until a quarter of it is gone, then ten dirhams are watered from it
every day, and the woman who has conceived once and then interrupted the
pregnancy is watered for three days in a row, so it is beneficial for her and
the sign of her use of it is to vomit.
It filters the color, stirs up sexual intercourse, fattens and
drives menstruation and urine aggressively. Ibn Waqid: It helps the companions
of love by making him intoxicating and hypnotizing them.
If a weight of
a weight and a half is not powdered for twelve nights, the pain of sciatica is
healed, and the headache is replaced if it does not weigh from the peony, and
the Arab veil is white.